Interested in scheduling an appointment with one of our holistic psychotherapists? It’s simple. Read the bios below to get to know us. Email the therapist directly or click the “request appointment” button to schedule and your therapist will reach out within a day or two to set up a quick consult call before your appointment.


For Reiki/Movement, Acupuncture or Doula Support appointments contact Kelly, Claudia and Lucia directly. To schedule Psychiatric Support or Behavioral Food Therapy contact Candice and Katie directly.

Do you need a little extra help getting matched? Drop us a line at

Kathleen deVos
Psychotherapist, Community Herbalist & Co-Founder
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist #97659
$250/50 minute session

As a therapist I provide equal parts psycho-education, clinical insight and intuitive hunches, all in service of guiding you back to the innate wisdom held in your body.

I can help with anxiety, burnout, rites of passage, Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorders, chronic health concerns, feeling at home in your body, developing emotional fluency.

I’m into Herbalism, the nervous system, conscious parenting, Buddhism and sustainability in all things.


Sarah McLaughlin
Psychotherapist, Certified Yoga Teacher & Co-Founder
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist #85027
$250/50 minute session

As a therapist I am interested in how anxiety impacts your thoughts, manifests in your body and how your history contributes to what you experience now.

I can help with Anxiety in all manifestations (General Anixety, Health Related or OCD), Disordered/Reactive Eating, Infertility, Pregnancy Loss and Perinatal Anxiety/Mood challenges.

I am into yoga, motherhood, Intersectional Feminism, True Crime (unfortunately), and all things order/organization – hello Virgo!


Jackie Lalanne
Associate Psychotherapist, Certified Yoga Teacher + Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Level 1
Associate Marriage & Family Therapist #127563 supervised by Sarah McLaughlin
$180/50 minute session

As a therapist I am here to co-create a space that is supportive and compassionate, so you can show up as you are, with all that wants to unfold.

I can help with overwhelm, anxiety, disconnection, cultivating mind-body integration, navigating relationships with yourself, others and social-cultural and natural environments.

I am into the ocean and its many moods, live music, breathing and moving with awareness, gratitude and cherishing life with loved ones.



Jackie’s Website

Marielle Ferreboeuf
Licensed Clinical Social Worker #26990
$220/50 minute session
Offering In-Person and Virtual Sessions

As a therapist I am curious about early life experiences, the ways in which people adapt to their surroundings and the potential for growth that emerges when we slow down, go inward and reflect.

I can help with anxiety, life transitions, relationship issues, parenting, post-traumatic growth and healing, emerging adulthood and identity exploration.

I’m into urban walks, San Francisco history, escaping into books, exploring the wonders of nature and the journey of motherhood.



Meghan Holmgren-Crane
IFS (Internal Family Systems) Informed Psychotherapist/ Couples Counseling
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist #106869
$190 Individuals / $200-$220 Couples / 50 minute sessions
Virtual and In-Person Sessions Available

As a therapist I invite you to take a mindful journey in self discovery and curiosity. I will guide you in understanding your relationship to self, your body and your emotions. Together we will navigate how your relationships and experiences impact your present life, and discover the knowledge and language of emotions and your nervous system.

I can help couples reignite their connection and intimacy, develop the skills for greater communication, and learn how to make a loving relationship last. Also…Working through infidelity, recovery from addiction, blended families, step-parenting, infertility, premarital inquiry, conflict and fear of conflict. I can help individuals with grief, loss, chronic illness, addiction, anxiety, depression, shadow work, boundaries, burn out, and healing with animals.

I’m into hanging out with my family and little shih-tzu pup Phoebe Sashimi. I love expression through dance, time with the ocean, cooking fabulous meals and playing music (ukulele) with my husband. I study energy/body work and equine therapy.



Candice Marie Rugg
Board Certified Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, CA #95007494
Virtual and In-Person Sessions Available

As a psychiatric prescriber I will support you in the consideration of adjunct treatments for your mental health. I aim to provide a foundation for the work you are doing internally, providing psycho-education around medication in a compassionate and destigmatizing manner.

I can help with depression, anxiety, acute and chronic exposure to trauma, life transitions (gender, relationships, work…), existential malaise, all with a hearty dose of affirmation.

I’m into decluttering drawers and one’s life, making lists and checking them twice, cooking for my loved ones, and spending quality time with my Poodle, Little Wayne.


Katie Schmidt, MPH
Behavioral Food Therapist

As a Behavioral Food Therapist I’m interested in how your past experiences, current beliefs and behaviors and relationship with your body and emotions shape your relationship to food. 

I can help with emotional or restrictive eating, food guilt, disconnection from the body, emotional resilience, conscious nourishment and living with intention.

I’m into farmer’s markets, memoirs, slow living, dog life, grounding exercises and the wisdom that our bodies hold.


To work with Katie, complete her intake form HERE or email her at

Claudia Penate, LVN
Fertility, Birth and Postpartum Doula – Childbirth Educator

As a Doula my goal is to meet families where they are and provide them with advocacy, education, emotional support and valuable resources related to birth and postpartum. 

I can help you prepare for birth and postpartum both physically and emotionally. My goal is for you to feel empowered and confident in knowing that you have my support and will be seen and heard.

I’m into spending time with my children, dog life, travel, live music and sporting events – the ocean, a cozy nook with a good book, practicing self-care and all things birth!


Kelly Redanz
Exercise and Reiki Practitioner  / $170 per 55 minute session

As a practitioner I blend holistic health practices, neuromuscular therapy, and physical fitness; believing the body is also a pathway for mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness. I create mindful movement programs and a safe space where you learn how to move efficiently and sustainably for your body while tuning into your innate wisdom within.

I can help with chronic pain, pre/postnatal pelvic care, posture/ back care, strength training, post surgery rehab, hormonal imbalances,  building a tool kit for the mind-body-spirit connection, stress management.

I’m into coastal hiking, the mind-body-spirit connection, the healing power of being in nature, breathwork and meditation, essential oils, naps, tree hugs, matcha, and learning Spanish.


To work with Kelly email her at

Lucia Foltanova Kajima
Licensed California Acupuncturist #AC17804 / See website below for pricing

As a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine my primary treatment modality is acupuncture, including scalp acupuncture and electroacupuncture that are complemented by traditional Chinese rehabilitation called dao yin, acupressure, shiatsu, bodywork, moxa, herbal or supplement prescriptions, guidance in nutrition, exercise, self-care, and lifestyle choices.

I can help you with neurological conditions such as regaining your motor or sensory function after stroke, traumatic brain injury and reducing side effects of cancer treatment after chemotherapy or radiation. I can also help you with pain management and women’s health issues, especially supporting you during IVF or menopause.

I’m into holistic health, tea tasting, learning and speaking foreign languages, ikebana, cooking with herbs, sustainability, animal documentaries, swimming, outing in the woods, spending time with my friends and volunteering.



For prices see my website Lubene Online Booking